
博主:adminadmin 2023-03-01 49


When I was in high school, I had an English teacher who had a unique way of teaching. She would take a textbook, place it on the ground, and then ask us to write an essay based on the material in the book.

At first, I was confused. Was she really serious? Writing an essay on the ground? It seemed like a crazy idea. But, after giving it some thought, I realized that there was a method to her madness.

By having us write the essay on the ground, she was forcing us to slow down and think more deeply about the material. We had to kneel, focus, and use our hands to write on the ground. This made us more aware of the material we were reading, and it allowed us to process it more thoroughly.

This kind of teaching also encouraged us to be creative. With the textbook on the ground, we were no longer confined to a single page. We could move around the book, draw connections between disparate ideas, and come up with our own interpretations of the material.

In addition to teaching us how to think more deeply and be more creative, this unconventional approach also helped us to appreciate the beauty of the written word. After all, it’s much harder to write on the ground than it is to write on paper. This means that we had to take our time, use our hands to carefully craft our words, and appreciate the beauty of the language.

To this day, I still use this approach when it comes to writing. Every time I sit down to write an essay, I remember that English class and the power of writing on the ground. It’s a reminder to slow down, think deeply, and appreciate the beauty of the written word.

The End
