
博主:瑞鑫瑞鑫 2021-10-20 209



我们没见过英语“银行卡被盗刷”的英语信用卡盗刷英文,但是,我们至少有这方面“学过的英语”信用卡盗刷英文:my credit card was stolen and used to withdraw money,我们能这么说吗?



1) Yahoo my credit card was stolen and used to withdraw money

2) Yahoo到的原版英语:

Identity theft and scams: how to get your money back

If someone makes unauthorised payments on your credit card, you are covered under the Consumer Credit Act. This means you should be able to claim your money back as you are jointly liable with your credit card issuer. As with debit cards you might liable for the first £50 spent if the card is lost or stolen.


这里就是讨论银行卡被盗后被盗刷时银行是否该负赔偿责任的问题,自然也就出现了我们想要的英语表达:If someone makes unauthorised(未经授权的=without my permission) payments on your credit card


1. Okay.I got you.If my credit card was stolen,it may be used by people,and they might make payment (=to buy something),or withdraw my money(=cash out) without my permission.

2. If my credit card was stolen,someone might make unauthorised payment on my card.


3) Yahoo到的原版英语:

My card has been lost or stolen and used to purchase goods

It can be distressing if your credit or debit card is stolen has been used to purchase goods. You have rights to get your money back but you must act promptly. We use cookies to allow us and selected partners to improve your experience and our advertising.

这里:My card has been lost or stolen and used to purchase goods就是我们要的答案:

Okay.Got it.I will ssy:My card has been lost or stolen and someone used it to purchase goods.




The End
